Thursday 17 November 2011

17.11.2011 Plié's and posture

Today in class my body felt sore and tense. After a short warm up my muscles began to soften and I was looking forward to the class beginning. I really aim to work hard in Geoff’s class every week and leave the studio dripping with sweat. In today’s case I had succeeded. We focused on many aspects of our technique today as usual, but the movement that was the most useful to me, was concentrating on my plié. As a dancer I know how important demonstrating a correct plié is. 
 "Noun: A movement in which a dancer bends the knees and straightens them again” Googledictionary  (accessed on 17.11.2011) 
A plié has such a simple definition surely that means it is simple to achieve?  This however isn’t always the case. For me, my weakness in my plié lies in my turn out. If my knees begin to roll in, I know that I’m not applying the correct position. I also have recognised when demonstrating a plié in fifth position how easy it is to stick out the lower back. Over the last few weeks Geoff has been really helpful with pointing out our strengths and weaknesses when addressing plié’s. I don’t particularly think I have a weak plié; however I know I could be using a lot more. Geoff taught us a short travelling phrase that included using your plié to its full extent. The video attached is an example of the movement we did in class. In this particular phrase, I felt like I was really working through the legs and through my plié. It was really useful to be reminded to use it when demonstrating jumping exercises, because it is quite easy to forget once your applying so many other aspects of your technique.

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