Monday 3 October 2011

26.09.2011 - An introduction to Limón technique.

Today’s class required lots of enthusiasm and effort, focusing on primarily on Limón technique. This style of dance technique focuses "On the movement of breath through the body, the dynamic use of weight in each body part and the fluid succession of one movement into the next." (accessed on 3/10/2011)

As the first class back after a long summer break, I found myself searching my body for strength. From this, I gained many interesting sensations as some muscles that I may have not used over the summer had come back into action. This felt really great as reflecting back on the class this meant I had been working my body correctly and I was really happy with the outcome even if I was a bit sore. When dancing this morning I had a burst of adrenaline and happiness to be back into techniques classes. Despite attending classes over the summer it really felt nostalgic to be back in the studio with my fellow peers after such a long time apart. 
One area of progress I would like to work on is my flexibility. I believe that over the break I may have lost some of my flexibility through lack of stretching. Over the next few weeks, I aim to challenge these weaknesses through the start and end of classes. I aspire to restore my flexibility by keeping my legs predominantly straight during the roll downs as I usually bend a little from the knees. From this I will feel the stretch down the back of calves: I will work towards losing that feeling.
During class, I asked myself 'What could  I improve and work on? From this, I believe another one of my weaknesses is the positioning of my feet and my concentration. I plan to focus less on myself in the mirror as I believe I am my own distraction. To do this, I think videoing myself will help my work rather than hinder my development. I take criticism well, especially if it is in video form so I can really concentrate and recognise my weaknesses.
To further and extend my dance knowledge I plan to research choreographers who I can aspire to be like. I have begun researching for other modules into the work of Twyla Tharp she is very inspirational.  I plan to read a few pages over the next few weeks of ‘Diane Amans – Community Dance practise’ and 'Peggy Hackney's Making Connections' as I find it very interesting to hear other practitioner’s ways of teaching as it is a career I wish to achieve in the future. Hopefully this can also help me to relate back to the way I am being taught in this module. It also looks at diversity within in dance, which for me is and important element as I believe as an artist that diversity and versatility are key components to technique.

Increase Flexibility exercise - Roll downs.

Roll Down - Heavy head hanging over the legs
Bending the knees, to release the roll up
Head is the last thing to release. - This video gives a key demonstration of the purpose of a roll down. Explaining how grounding the earth, using the breath and motion of the spine during the exercise.



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