Thursday 27 October 2011

Optional performance project with Liz.

Martha Graham once stated "Practice means to perform, over and over again in the face of all obstacles, some act of vision, of faith, of desire. Practice is a means of inviting the perfection desired.”
In our optional project with Liz, we have been looking at working with each other in big group pieces but also with contact work looking at the movement and meanings of trees. In today’s session we were looking at working in groups of three to demonstrate contact work which resembled a tree and its roots, the work consisted of one dancer holding a position whilst the other two wrapped and intertwined their bodies around the legs or arms of the stood dancer. In the group that I was working with, the first position I had to display was a deep plié in second position with my arms wrapped over the bodies of the other two dancers. As rehearsals were continuous practising and improving what we had created we had to demonstrate to the other group in order for them to pick it up too, thus becoming a second trio. From the demonstrations our group were giving, every time I could feel my plié getting deeper and deeper, which felt great. It highlighted for me that the more you work on certain movements it will eventually get stronger and therefore improve. Even though our class was only an hour and 45mins I felt that I had really progressed in not only ways to choreograph but also on a personal level in my technique.

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